Abelia is a semi-evergreen shrub with drooping branches and a spherical shape that can grow up to 3 meters in height and 3.5 meters in width. The brilliant abelia begins to bloom in summer and continues blooming until the first frost. It suits alkaline, acidic and neutral soil. It is planted in autumn, and blooms from autumn to spring.

A Mediterranean plant that can grow 2-4 meters. It does not tolerate cold, so temperatures in winter should not exceed -5 degrees.
Likes sunny habitats. They bloom from June to October. It suits moist and drained, acidic soil. It is planted in spring. It tolerates strong pruning well, which we do after flowering. In this way, we achieve more abundant flowering next year.

Silverberry or oleaster
Elaeagnus is a tough evergreen shrub with small but very fragrant creamy white flowers that appear in autumn, while in spring it is decorated with small orange fruits. The bush grows an average of 30-50 cm per year, which is quite fast growth, and is easily maintained at a height of 2-3 m. It suits normal, clay or chalky soils. It is planted in autumn.

Tree germander or shrubby germander
It is a green shrub, up to 2 m tall, with upright or protruding branches. They bloom in summer with blue-purple flowers. It is planted in the fall, and suits neutral to alkaline, poor or medium fertile soil. The fruits are nut-shaped.

Hydrangea can be a deciduous shrub or a deciduous or evergreen climber. The leaves are egg-shaped, with jagged edges, light green in color. It has small flowers that are densely clustered, dome-shaped or flat-shaped. It suits moist and acidic soil. It is planted in autumn, and blooms throughout the summer.

A deciduous shrub, but it can also be grown as a tree and reach a height of 4-6m. During the long flowering period, from the beginning of summer to the end of autumn, the tops of the branches are decorated with countless red, pink or purple flowers. It looks for an open, sunny position, sheltered from strong winds. Rich, non-calcareous, deep and humiferous soils suit it. It is planted in autumn.

Heavenly bamboo or sacred bamboo
Heavenly bamboo is an evergreen shrub, low growing but can grow up to 2 m in height, creating a canopy. The leaves are 3-10 cm long, initially reddish, then dark green, and later reddish. The flowers are white and small, and bloom from July to August.

Pistachio is an evergreen shrub. It can grow up to 5m and have a lifespan of 100 years, and it is adapted to warmer climate conditions. It can withstand large temperature amplitudes from -30 °C to + 42 °C. The leaves are dark green, oddly pinnate. The flowers are small, arranged in panicles. It prefers deep and clay soil. It is planted in autumn, and blooms during March.

Planika is a tree but also an evergreen shrub, which grows up to 8 m in height, creating a dense canopy. The flowers are light pink or white and collected in hanging racemes and appear during October, November and December. The fruits are orange-red beans and ripen at the time of flowering, i.e. from October to December. Planica itself binds the soil well due to its branched roots.

Dwarf tobirovac is an evergreen small and wide shrub with white flowers that grows up to 80 cm. Flowers appear in late spring or summer. It suits alkaline, acidic and neutral soil.

Creeping rosemary
Creeping rosemary is a creeping evergreen shrub with extremely aromatic needle-like leaves, about 5 cm long. They bloom in spring and summer, and the flowers are pale blue. It is excellent as a base cover. It grows from 30-60 cm with a width of about 60-90 cm. It is resistant to drought and almost disease-free. It also thrives on poor soil, but clay soil does not suit it.

Rosemary is an attractive evergreen shrub and aromatic plant that grows up to 150 cm tall and wide with needle-like leaves about 2.5 cm long and clusters of pale blue to white flowers that appear in winter and spring, but can also appear in summer and autumn. It tolerates shade, but it does best in a sunny place. It suits slightly acidic and sandy soil.

Santolina is a small evergreen shrub with upright grayish-green stems that grow up to 50 cm in height and width. The colored leaves are grayish green. They bloom from June to August, and the flowers are gathered in dense, bright yellow head-shaped shoots that grow on the tops of the stems. Well-drained soil suits her.

Decorative and evergreen shrub from the olive family.
The leaves are simple, opposite, and the flowers are small in lateral clusters.
The fruit is a one-seeded drupe.