1. When planting olives, plow the soil to a depth of 80m with ameliorative fertilization or dig holes of a width of 1,5 × 1,5m and approximately 70 cm deep. It is best to do it with a suitable machine. Add 20-30 kg of mature manure and about 2 kg of NPK in which the phosphorus component predominates are placed per pit and mixed well with the soil.
  2. The planting distance depends on the quality of the soil and the knowledge of pruning. Recommended distances can be 5×5, 6×5, 6×6, 7x6m. Dense planting gives a higher yield per unit area, but also requires greater knowledge of cutting and vice versa.
  3. Planting time should be in September, October or March. In Istria, it is better to apply spring planting. Plant the plant max. 10 cm deeper than it was planted in the pot.
  4. For the first two years, we do not cut the seedling to the root, we only correct the crown, that is, we shape the crown. It is best not to cut the olive tree until the first fruit.
  5. It is best to carry out the basic fertilization at the beginning of winter or in the winter when the plant’s juices stop flowing with manure or one of the complex fertilizers in which the phosphorus component predominates, from 30-50 dkg per tree. As the plant progresses, gradually increase the amount of fertilizer. If autumn fertilization is applied in Istria, freezing of olives can easily occur. In the spring of the first two years, we fertilize with 30 dkg of KAN (potassium-based fertilizer), and in the third year we increase it to 50 dkg. We do not fertilize with nitrogen fertilizers in autumn.
  6. The olive can withstand temperatures up to -15C, but it must gradually enter the cold period. If the olive trees are in good condition, if nitrogen fertilizers have not been overdone, then there is a much higher chance of withstanding severe winters. The olive withstands temperatures down to -9C without major difficulties, which depends on the length of November.
  7. The first year after planting, water as needed every 10 days, and the second year occasionally. In the following years, watering is not necessary.